Monday, May 9, 2011

Countdown: 361 - Happy Mother's Day!

Yes, I know I'm a day late. But I'm new to this blogging thing so bear with me.

I have  few Mother's Day shout outs to give (and don't worry, I did make actual calls yesterday).

First, my Mom. I've always known that my Mom and I have a very special mother/daughter relationship. She is always there for me and we genuinely enjoy each other's company. I am so excited to share the next year of planning for the wedding with her!!

Next, my big sister Rachael. We've become great friends over the years and she is an amazing mother. It's so apparent how much her children mean to her and I hope I'm as good a mother one day, as she is to my niece and nephew.

My, further Mother-in-law Karen. I consider myself extremely lucky when it comes to having Karen for a mother-in-law. She's raised two amazing men and I can't wait to be part of her family!

And finally, a very special Happy Mother's Day to my best friend Lulu (aka Julie) on her very first! I've already seen such a change in her since Anna was born a few months ago and I've never seen her so happy.

As you can see, I'm very lucky to have such amazing Mom role models! Happy Mother's Day to all of you and all the other Mothers out there!

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