Friday, May 20, 2011

Countdown: 350 Days - Dress Shopping!

I have to admit that while I was excited to FINALLY have a rational excuse to try on wedding dresses, I was totally nervous. I’ve seen enough (ok all) Say Yes to the Dress episodes to know the kind of disasters that can happen in a bridal salon. The mean girls who hate every dress their "friend" tries on.  The perfect dress that’s double your budget. OMG that dress won’t fit HER?!

However, I was pleasantly surprised by my overall experience. My friends who have been through the process told me “You’ll love everything!” I didn’t believe them, but it’s true! Even the dresses I knew I wouldn’t be choosing for my big day were gorgeous. How can you go wrong with ivory silk taffeta, lace overlays and cathedral length veils? Well, you just can’t.

My Mom and sister (MOH) were kind enough to come to Chicago for the weekend to help me through two days of bridal shopping (you’re very impressed by my Mom right now if you know her low threshold for shopping). My other MOH Julie from St. Louis (who left her new baby for me!!) and bridesmaid Katye (Modge) also came along on Day 2 for a fresh perspective and additional support.

It was all hands on deck and everyone shone with their various expertises. My Mom stayed calm, cool and collected the whole weekend (not surprising) and I think it made me do the same (very surprising). Rachael was paparazzi queen, snapping photos of every dress from every angle…even when photos weren’t allowed! Julie offered inside jokes and under-the-breath comments about pushy salesgirls (that we were all thinking) to keep me laughing throughout the day. And Modge was the best train straightener I’ve ever seen!

I didn’t say YES to one dress, but MAYBE to two and they couldn’t be more different. How do you decide?! My confusion only grew when I started crying in the dress that I thought I liked a little less than the other. Oy. So, for now I think I will hit another store or two before making the final decision. Thankfully I still have some time!

Sorry there are no pictures with this post, need to keep some things top secret!

1 comment:

  1. Lauren, It was actually fun shopping for wedding dresses. You are right in that all the dresses were lovely and you looked beautiful in all of them. I am not sure how you will decide. If you want I can take a dress making class reall soon. Love, Mom
